unknown gods

Kelly Dawn
Nov 12, 2020
Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

I cried for her.

For all those years
she hid herself
amongst the whispers
and the cobwebs
in the dark attic
of my

For all those times
she tried so hard
to shine her light
in every place
it was sure to remain unnoticed.

She jumped ship
when the storm got too much.

Abandoned herself
to the whims
of unknown gods.

I cried for her.

For all those fears
like small black seeds,
that get
stuck in her throat,
between her fingers,
beneath her eyelids.

Prickling her, like violins.

Originally published at https://www.artoftrauma.com on November 12, 2020.



Kelly Dawn

I am a survivor- a wounded healer; and I am here to reflect back to you your own light. (artoftrauma.com).